Jewelry store owners, get more customers through the door and more dollars in the till.




The Entire Jewelry Sales & Marketing Puzzle is SOLVED All At Once… For YOU!

Only at…

The All NEW, Totally Redesigned, Uber-Incredible 2018


Coming to The LASHBROOK DESIGNS FACTORY in Salt Lake City, Utah… of 2002 Olympic Fame

Saturday & Sunday, September 8 & 9, 2018

Presented by 2 Incredible, Industry Powerhouses!

Strategically Overhauled to Give YOU Much More in Just 2 Days



Get immediate results from both your sales team and your marketing efforts.

This DYNO DUO GURUS of sales and marketing have incredible track records for helping jewelers…

Never before has such a powerful, profit-proven pack of sales, marketing and advertising genius been assembled specifically for the Jewelry industry.

As a result, you'll see incredible growth as you super charge your jewelry business the only 3 ways possible…

1.   Get more customers

2.   Increase your average transaction & closing rates

3.   Get existing clients coming back to buy more often and for a longer time.

Click above to register now and reserve your spot at the 50% Early Bird Discount!

Paul Furse & Jim Ackerman… The DYNAMIC DUO Of Jewelry Sales, Marketing & Advertising to the Jewelry Industry!

If you would like ALL of these outcomes, don’t miss this unparalleled event!

JIM ACKERMAN's is known as The Marketing Coach for the Jewelry Industry. His specialty is helping jewelers get more bodies through the door, including new customers and repeats. Since the 1990s, Jim has worked with retail jewelers large and small throughout the nation, helping them improve their advertising and marketing results. You've seen his videos and his articles in industry publications. You've seen him speak. Now let him help you CASH IN this Holiday Season…

Jim’s profit-proven Marketing Gems Programs have helped hundreds of jewelers…

•   Dramatically increase response to your ads

•   Save money on media buys

•   Integrate traditional marketing channels with the new, digital media

•   Take control of your marketing budgets

•   Stop making costly mistakes that suck your marketing budget try, with nothing to show for it

•   Install measurable, predictable marketing systems in your businesses

•   And much, much more

PAUL FURSE has been consulting small business for more than 30 years. As a Licensed, Certified Principle-Centered Marketing™ Coach with Ascend Marketing, he's been helping retail jewelry stores develop and deploy the profit proven principles, strategies, and tactics of the Ascend Marketing System for over a decade. If you run a retail jewelry store, it’s a sure bet Paul can help you build it!

Under Paul’s instruction you and your team will discover…

  • A simple, yet incredibly powerful system for dramatically increasing closing percentages and average transaction, by honoring the RISK customers face
  • The single best way to eliminate the “I’ll be back” bus that leads to nowhere
  • Remarkably compelling promotions and offers specifically designed to get insane response! Can you say “Hundreds of new customers, virtually overnight… and at NO COST?
  • Powerful insights for getting more response to your ads
  • And much, much more!


Click above to register now and reserve your spot at the 50% Early Bird Discount!

WARNING: There is only room for a maximum of 80 participants. Registrations will be accepted strictly on a first-come basis.

OPPORTUNITY: Early-bird registrations offer substantial incentives, with deeper discounts and added, special considerations for those who register earliest. The earlier you register, the more you get and the less you pay.

RECOMMENDATION: For reasons of both ECONOMY & ACCESS, it is highly recommended that you register as early as possible.

CLICK HERE to register for the September 8 & 9, 2018 Boot Camp NOW!


1. Advance assignments, to prepare for the event. These will consist of self-assessments of your sales and marketing systems, goal setting and some preparatory content review, so you come into your 2-day event ready to get the most and make the most of your experience there.

2. The 2-Day ULTIMATE JEWELRY SALES & MARKETING BOOT CAMP - where everything you thought you knew about sales and marketing will be challenged – torn down and rebuilt where necessary, improved and enhanced every way else.

3. On-site, sales & marketing, SYSTEM-SPECIFIC skill and system development, including exercises, practice, on-the-spot feedback, "hot-seat" experiences and more, from all of us. Exciting & FUN!

4. Post-event assignments specific to your business situation. These will NOT be group assignments, but tailored specifically to the needs YOU have in YOUR business. Each due for completion within 2 weeks to 30 days following the Boot Camp, so your new practices and systems are deployed, debugged, and runnin' smooth in plenty of time for the 2018 Holiday season.

5. Follow-up Webinars – We won't pat you on the fanny and send you on your way. All participants will have access to a series of follow-up webinars that will take you through the holidays and beyond. There will be at least 4 of these events to help you improve your efforts and add even more techniques and strategies to send your sales curve soaring! THIS BONUS ALONE IS WORTH AN ADDITIONAL $1,200.00!




EVENT RECORDING – Yeah… you will have just gorged on a 2-day feast of unparalleled sales and marketing information… THAT NOBODY ELSE IN THE INDUSTRY HAS!

You’re going to want to review it often and pound it into your brain.

That’s why we record every minute of the entire 2 days, including the HOT SEAT sessions. These recordings will prove themselves invaluable. As the great change-inspiring motivator, Anthony Robbins says, “Repetition is the mother of SKILL!”

A $1,200 stand alone value

(but you will have to sign a pledge not to share them with people outside of your business)

PROGRAM MANUAL – Not only bursting with all the content you get at the Boot Camp, but also overflowing with incredible supplementary material; tools, forms, systems, methods, tricks, tips and more! Plenty of room to take copious notes, both during and after the event as you reflect on how you can apply these powerful, profit-proven principles, strategies, tactics, methods and systems in YOUR enterprise.

A $397 value in its own right

1-YEAR, ALL STAR MEMBERSHIP IN THE BIZKABOOM ALLIANCE™ – You’ll become a member of this national consortium of assertive, like-minded jewelers who are absolutely dedicated to growing their businesses. You’ll get on-going consultation, ad critiques, FREE Call-in Days, a monthly business-building webinar, newsletter and audio programs. Plus discounts on products, services, events and preferred vendor services as well.

Annual Dues Value is $1,164

MARKETING GEMS III AUDIO TRAINING PROGRAM FROM ACK & DECK – This is the 3rd installment of the popular program that has been enjoyed and utilized by literally hundreds of retail jewelers around the country. And this is the best edition yet, because it features Shane Decker, along with Jim, in a series of can’t miss, vital interviews; up to 6 hours of incredible programming! And this program WILL NOT BE RELEASED to other Jewelers until 2017! You get a 4-month head start!

Retail priced at $197

PROFESSIONAL JEWELER CHRONICLES BOOK – This amazing compendium of columns written by Jim Ackerman for Professional Jeweler Magazine, rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of the now defunct magazine, to bless your lives all over again, with incredible, crafty, profit-producing promotional ideas and concepts and nifty tips for pursuing important niche markets that will leave your competitors – including the Internet – coughing in your dust.

Regularly a $97 Value

2 MARKETING GEMS TURNKEY PROGRAMS – Choose any 2 or more than 20, ready-to-go, Turnkey Marketing Promotions from’s collection.

Valued at up to $5,000



What would this do for your Christmas season?

"We got 3,420 gift cards distributed to new prospective customers, all for FREE

"There were 334 redemptions in December alone, for sales tallying $74,340.00 in December, with virtually NO marketing cost. And $26,646.00 in add-on sales."

Lantz & Lisa

Huntington Fine Jewelers

Filling Up The Taj Ma Holly

Holly Weche's fabulous ediface wasn't near busy enough. Until she utilized our unique direct mail strategy aimed at inviting a local neighborhood to come in and get acquainted.

Holly's approach consisted of sending a 2-page sales letter and 5 "Poloroid" style photos with captions, and a compelling offer. She got over a 10% response to her "cold" list. The results were so profitable, she has since done it in two additional neighborhoods with similar outcomes, and is preparing to do it in a third.

Yes, You Too Can Save $40,000.00

A store owner in (town) (st) reports, "By implementing your system of meetings and training, I figure I've saved $40,000.00 a year, because I don't have to hire a sales manager. But that's just the savings. I can't even calculate the additional profits I've made because of our dramatically better – and as importantly – more CONSISTENT sales performance."


(Illinois, that is…)

"We were looking over our numbers the other day…

  • 2015 1st Qtr Sales Down 1% from 2014
  • 2015 Started implementing these marketing strategies in 3 rd and 4 th qtrs.
  • 2016 1st Qtr Sales: Up  19.38% from 2015
  • 2017 1st Qtr Sales: Up  19.5% from 2016
  •  Sales from the 1st Qtr of 2017 are 35.1% higher than 2015 1st Qtr."

Scott Marhanka

Monee, IL

Famous Hooray-ness…

Regionally Renowned Jeweler, Drue Sanders boasts… "Before attending last year's boot camp, I had grown frustrated spending money on advertising that clearly was not working. Then Jim introduced me to what he called a 'small ball' technique, where he had me send a reactivation letter to a big group of dormant clients. The results were stunning to me. We spent far less, got a much bigger response, re-established some valuable relationships. And most importantly, sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of product. Since then I've done it again and again experienced a modest windfall. Getting ready to go to the well yet again. How EASY! And how PROFITABLE!"

Drue Sanders

Drue Sanders Custom Design Studio

Up & Add-Em…

"When we first heard about this incredibly different approach to selling and add-on selling, we were skeptical. But we'd paid to learn this stuff so we agreed to give it a try. We were STUNNED at the results! The very first client we tried it on, we asked the 4 magic questions. This was important to him. We kept asking, 'are we there yet?' When all was said and done, we took his purchase from $750 to over $7,000.00 and he was happy to have spent all that extra money! We've never looked back. Now this remarkable strategy is part of our every-day selling process. Who knew selling could be this different, this easy, this fun and this satisfying!"

Private Profits…

The very first project implemented by Harris Jeweler in Troy Ohio, took an old, tired promotion they were about to abandon and infused new life into it. To the tune of generating well over $100,000.00 in just a weekend. And doing it using a shocking "private sale" technique they never before would have considered. The net effect was greater sales at a substantially lower cost, resulting in even bigger profits. Later they employed a similar strategy for an estate sale. Who would spend over $3.00 each to send a piece of mail to about 300 people? Harris did! And it generated over $70,000.00 in 3 days, including moving a $10,000.00 piece that had sat in their store for 5 years and had survived numerous other 50% Off attempts to sell it. But with this technique, it was gone before the sale even began!

Turnin' on a Dime-ond

Wisconsin Jewelers Bob & Janet were down more than 15% and on track to gross only about $175,000 for the year when they first began to use the marketing strategies and tactics of the boot camp. They thought they were "rolling the dice" when they took our advice and launched a "Thanksgiving Gala", praying they'd score a $20,000, 3-day weekend. They didn't… Instead they generated $50,000.00 in revenue. Quite a home run for a store slated for just $175K for the year. They followed that with a record-for-them, $50,000.00 December, finishing up for the year by 10%. Imagine! A 25% turnaround in just 2.5 months. All just the beginning, because less than 2 years later, they crossed the $500,000.00 mark. That's a 286% spin around, in less than 3 years! All in a little town of with a population of just 2,682. If they can do it in their little town, you can do it in yours, regardless of the size!

Importing Dollars…

Betsy's "FREE DINNER FOR 2" promotion only had a 3.1% response. But it brought 46 young couples from 30 miles away in 1 weekend, using surprising Every Door Direct Mail, at a cost of $1K. But the promo generated 6 bridal sets for upwards of $28,000.00 in revenue, with several other pieces sold and 40 additional prospects to be worked over time. You can do the same!

Click above to register now and reserve your spot at the 50% Early Bird Discount!

What's Different About THIS Year?

We're introducing an absolute GAME CHANGER and an entirely new approach to selling clients when they come in the store. This new technique promises to dramatically increase closing rates and the size of your average ticket, while it virtually ELIMINATES the "I'll be back," syndrome. And it doesn't matter what your salesperson's experience is, what their selling style is, or anything else.


And that's not all…


Again… you will not… you CANNOT… find this kind of training ANYWHERE ELSE!

Click above to register now and reserve your spot at the 50% Early Bird Discount!



Owners! When you own the place, you must first realize you are a businessperson, not a jeweler. Your first and foremost responsibility to yourself, your family, your employees and to you customers, is to make sure the business keeps coming in. No owner should be without this training.

Marketing Managers. No matter what you were taught in school, the world has changed. The PROCESS buyers go through to buy jewelry has changed. Yet, little has changed in the way people market. You have got to know the new paradigm and how to exploit it for success to serve your company at the highest levels.

Sales Managers. It's no secret the workplace is more complicated than ever. You simply must figure out how to attract, manage, retain and reward the top people, for the highest, most consistent, most profitable closing rates.

Sales Team Members. The Internet, the chain stores, the big boxes… The world of sales isn't getting any easier. But as a true professional, you can still win – and in the process, bolster your own income. The techniques we share in this Boot Camp will blow you away. And more important, blow up your sales curve!


Dear Jeweler Friend,

In his book The 7 Habits of HIghly Effective People, Steven Covey talks about "sharpening the saw"

He means taking time to build the knowledge, skills, habits and systems required to succeed at the highest possible levels.

As jewelers, I've noticed that this seldom happens. We're so busy cutting wood – repairing, designing, selling, etc – we never take time to sharpen the saw.

No wonder burn-out is a serious problem in the industry.

This Boot Camp gives you a legitimate opportunity to get away from working IN your business and gives you a chance to work ON your business; on the most important, yet probably most overlooked part of your business… Marketing & Sales.

I promise, you'll find the event extraordinary, and has been said, "The best thing I've ever done for my business.

I sincerely hope to see you there.


Jim Ackerman


No Worries. The BOOT CAMP Comes With A


1.   Try It You’ll Like It – Come to the first 2 sessions at our risk. If you don’t believe you have already gotten more than your money’s worth in those 2 sessions alone, you are welcome to discreetly withdraw, return your materials, and we will cheerfully refund your money, on the spot.

2.   12X Your Money – Complete the entire program including pre-and-post-event activities, and implement what you have learned for an entire year. If you can’t point to a measurable increase in your business equal to at least 12 times what you paid for the program, we will refund your money, even a full year later.*

3.   Investment Protection – If you find any similar program, anywhere in the jewelry industry across the globe, that provides as much or more value at a lower price within 3 years of completing this program, we will refund to you the difference between what you paid for this program and the cost of the competing one.*

                              *Conditions apply. See full written guarantee for details.

Click above to register now and reserve your spot at the 50% Early Bird Discount! And DO ACT NOW… Once the Countdown Reaches ZERO, the Price WILL GO UP! And of course, once our attendee capacity is reached we can do nothing but shut down registrations, due to fire regulations.

Register before June 30 for 60% savings.